Let me just start off by saying this: I did not start a regular workout routine with the intentions to lose weight. I was happy and still am happy with my weight (which, has not changed since starting this regimine). I started working out for a few reasons that were unrelated to weight and so if weight-loss is your goal in working out, then I don't think that these tips will really apply to you. However, if your goal is to feel better, both inside and out, and gain confidence and learn how to live a healthier life, then I think that this routine will work wonderfully with your life like it has mine!
For the past 3 or 4 years, I've had really horrible hip pain in my left hip. I'm not sure what is was that triggered it, but I do know that it was not from an injury. After going to the doctor's a few times and getting x-rays and having a long discussion with my doctor about my pain, what causes it, what makes it work, and what makes it better, he determined that physical therapy would be the best way to improve my health (pleast note: I was given advice after a thourough examination of my pain and got the okay from my doctor to do this. If you are having pain of any sort, then you should always consult with your doctor before starting anything to determine what is best for your lifestyle and health.) I really didn't want to go to physical therapy mostly because I didn't have enough time. I work full-time and go to school full-time and on top of that, I run this blog, so it's hard for me to fit in any other things in that crazy schedule. I have worked out regularly in the past and really enjoy it so I kind of already knew what I liked doing and what I really didn't like doing and I started with yoga.
I fit in the exercise that I could and have started with doing about a half hour of a yoga video three times a week before heading off to work for the day. I really enjoy Jillian Michaels: Yoga Meltdown and Denise Austin: Pilates. They both have two videos in each; JM's are 1/2 hour long and DA's are 20 minutes long (I do her's on mornings I'm running late). I also really, really like Tony Horton's P90X3 yoga workout (and all the other P90X3 workouts as well). Those are obviously really pricey if you plan on buying the DVD's, so I would say those are for the much more serious than the just-starting-out crew. This has really been working out for me very well. I also have been using the app, Pacer, to track my steps. I try to reach 10,000 steps a day (it's really hard!) and that keeps me motivated after workouts while I'm at the office and on days when I don't workout, I know I'm still getting adequate exercise. I have plans to reward myself with a Fitbit Zip to help keep even better track of my steps and because I hate having to carry my phone with me EVERYWHERE (sometimes I just wanna go for a walk without having the opportunity of communication with anyone).
The results have been wonderful and I am happier than I ever could have imagined. No, not because I've lost weight or have a ripped six-pack (ha!). First off, my hip feels FANTASTIC! The pain was getting to the point when after I walked 20 feet I'd be in pain and limping. Now, I very rarely have any pain at all and on the days I do, it doesn't last long at all and is very minimal. It's such a wonderfully free feeling! I've also found confidence in myself that I never had before. I wasn't necessarily unhappy with my body, but like anyone else in this world I have some insecurities. There were times in my life that I would cry when I looked in the mirror (that was some time ago though). When I first started this regimine, I was at a point when I had accepted my body and had felt alright about it. Now, I embrace it. I see how strong my body is and what it's capable of and it makes me so proud. In fact, it brings tears to my eyes seeing how much I've grown in self-esteem just typing this out. I even bought a bathing suit! I definitely have plans to continue this and grow my abilities in yoga and pilates, which I have found to really enjoy. I used to run a lot, but cut that out for the time being while I strengthen my hip muscles by walking and other exercises.
I hope this has helped you with anything that you're looking for in a workout! There are so many different types of working out and healthy living, but this is where I have found my happiness and my love. I would really enjoy hearing any tips that you may have though because I'm always open to wonderful ideas!
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